Kyun Rishton Mein Katti Batti 31st July 2021 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Kyun Rishton Mein Katti Batti 31st July 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Kyun Rishton Mein Katti Batti

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 31, July, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDi

Today’s Content: Kyun Rishton Mein Katti Batti July 31st, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Shubhra comes in. Anand invites them in. Shubhra says he’s PCP Harsh. Rishi was counseling him. Anand says all alright? Shubhra discloses to him the whole arrangement. Anand is stunned to hear it. Shubhra gave Samaira numerous conditions however first requested that Samaira apologize to Anand and Vaidika first. Vaidika embraces her. Anand says how might I send her to Sameera? She will remove her grin. Vaidika says how are Rishi and Roli? I need to meet them. Unforgiving says she will be so glad to meet them. Shubhra says trust me. I will not let any hurt go to her. She resembles rishi and roli to me. Kuldeep kneads Samaira’s shoulders. She says you are harming me. He says your shoulders are anxious. Shubhra demolished our arrangements. We needed to go on a vacation. Shubhra approaches Kuldeep’s telephone. Samaira picks it. Kuldeep says for what reason would you say you are calling me?

Shubhra says my orders have begun. Your half-spouse needs to come there. Kuldeep says your meaning could be a little clearer. Shubhra says it’s Anand’s location. Be there. We dislike to pause. Kuldeep says what’s her opinion about herself? Samaira says she believes she’s a sovereign to arrange us. I’m the super sovereign. I will meet Anand and Vaidika however not there. I will meet them here. Bring every one of the children here. You will likewise will get invest energy with the children. Kuldeep says OK.
Kuldeep goes to Anand’s home. Shubhra says let him come. The children embrace Kuldeep. Shubhra asks where is Samaira? Kuldeep says she didn’t come. Shubhra requests that Vaidika take Rishi and Roli to her room. Kuldeep says she needs to meet the children at her place. Shubhra says kids will not go there. Anand says she will not go anyplace. Kuldeep says I will be there. I will not allow anything incorrectly to happen to the children.

Shubhra says I can trust you however not her. He says we don’t have numerous choices. Send the children with me, we need to do this for our arrangement. I will not allow anything incorrectly to occur. Everybody goes to Samaira’s place. Anand reviews all that she did. Vaidika reviews how she hurt her. Samaira says Vaidika.. sorry. She says to Anand sorry with a dead face. Samaira says done? The condition is finished. For what reason would you say you are terrified? For Rishi and Roli or Vaidika? You can’t confide in Kuldeep and Anand? You can’t confide in these two dads? Or on the other hand you think I am so savvy I can outmaneuver every one of you? You are so terrified of me. Assuming you need me to do what you need, then, at that point do what I inquire. So go from here. Or then again this wedding and everything would be finished. Shubhra takes the children inside. Roli says I am terrified of her. Vaidika says me as well. Unforgiving takes Rishi inside. Kuldeep says Shubhra you can’t choose every one of the principles. Samaira can likewise have a few conditions. You need Samaira to make it up to Vaidika right? also, fix her relationship with her.

Shubhra says that is sufficient for the time being. There are numerous different stages. Kuldeep says you can’t run our lives. Shubhra says I didn’t request that you dance. Samaira said unfortunately it didn’t influence Vaidika. Kuldeep says you need to give them time. Samaira will persuade Vaidika. You need to give her time. Shubhra says for what reason would it be a good idea for me to go then, at that point? Kuldeep says you would need to pay attention to her. Kuldeep says you should be biting the dust to be essential for this family picture excessively right? Samaira’s thought is splendid. Vaidika will get time to go through with Rishi and Roli and I would get book with Roshi and Roli. Shubhra says you can invest energy with kids at my place. Samaira says Kuldeep will not go anyplace. Kuldeep says trust me. Shubhra says OK, children would remain here in this house with their fathers.

Kuldeep and Anand both will remain here. I will take the children back toward the beginning of the day. All the absolute best Samaira. Tomorrow I will return with another test. Samaira says I will possibly do it in case it merits doing. Shubhra says stand by and watch. She leaves. Samaira offers milkshakes to the children. Vaidika says I don’t need it. Roli says neither do I. Samaira says what do you need? Chocolate? Frozen yogurt. Kuldeep says I will deal with the children. You proceed to rest. She goes to her room. Rishi and Roli say they would prefer not to remain there. Vaidika says don’t let me be. Kuldeep says your aai will come tomorrow. Anand comes as well. Kuldeep says the two daddies are here. You kids are with your fathers today. Roli says not Samaira’s aunt, isn’t that so? Rishi says I need to return home.

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